Thursday, August 2, 2007

We don't all have AIDS - but we do have HERPES.

I have to comment on something I notice happening in the media...

Due to the extreme PC-oriented climate of the 90s, we are now experiencing a SEVERE lashback, and I, for one, support the hell out of it. What am I talking about? Read along now darling...

The 90s. AIDS. CONDOMS. STDs. AWARENESS. EQUALITY. ALTERNATIVE MUSIC. ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLES. ALTERNATIVES. These were not bad things, Generation X just took their love of awareness for them a little bit too far - BUT God love WINONA & CO. for standing up and saying "and they wonder why those of us in our 20s refuse to work an 80 hour week to afford their BMWs - as if we did not see them disembowel their own revolution over a pair of running shoes!" Reality does indeed BITE.

I seem to remember, among others, Oprah saying something about AIDS posing a possible epidemic. Remember that scare? You should - its still happening - anyone catch the "WE ALL HAVE AIDS" campaign ads splashed all over such politically reputable magazines like PEOPLE? I'm not saying AIDS awareness is wrong, what I am saying is using FEAR tactics to make people afraid to FUCK because of political agendas such as FAMILY VALUES and CHRISTIANITY IS WRONG.

Meanwhile - how many people you know have died of AIDS?
Meanwhile - how many people you know can tell you what A.I.D.S. (remember when it was still an ACRONYM) stands FOR - WITHOUT GOOGLING IT!?!?

Meanwhile - Herpes is still out there hiding in 95% of the lips in our society and how many people know that those ARE NOT pimples? Of course - it won't kill you - but you probably DIDN'T KNOW THAT either.

The warning should have come in 1994 with a little Jeremy Piven inspired cult phenomenon known as PCU - Politically Correct University. Thats right, why it took America another decade to realize that this man was the next MESSIAH of MEDIA is beyond me, but, it probably had something to do with his being cast as the legally unsinkable Ari Gold in the HBO series Entourage (my friend Mary Ann made out with Adrian Grenier once - its a good story, ask me about it later - he was dreamy).


PCU is a wonderful tale of a time when tuition was about a quarter of what it is now. (Another GREAT thing about the 90s) Anyway, its basically a 79 minute free-for-all on how a few things can be taken WAY too seriously. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, this movie was ahead of its time in that, unlike other 90s movies, instead of adopting the "this is lame, BUT we're aware of it" stance, PCU head-on embraces the "this is UNACCEPTABLY fucking LAME - and you are SO NOT AWARE OF IT" mentality - more popular of movies TODAY.

Which leads me to my next portion of the discussion - Anybody watch TV today? If you do then you will know that, much to the dismay of Tipper Gore, it is now acceptable to use the word BITCH on network TV and I am ALL FOR IT. The sex jokes are a lot racier too, and so are the race jokes. Why? Because people want to joke. Humor is something that relates people to eachother. So, whereas 10 years ago debates were being sparked over words like bitch and lesbian kisses happening on TV, now, THEY HAPPEN ALL THE TIME, without anybody even noticing, and its GRAND I tell you - SIMPLY GRAND!

Take a few examples of a few hit shows today.

Show#1 - Supernatural.
If you don't already watch this show, you need to. Not only is Dean Winchester a Shameless Manwhore but he manages to use the word BITCH in every episode - even if its a stretch; "This is my associate, Dr.....uh.....FeeklaBITCH"

Show#2 - Weeds
You should probably watch this show too. You'll notice that every time Nancy (portrayed by supermilf Mary Louise Parker) goes to buy weed from Halia (her dealer) the racial slurs FLY - and its funny, and appropriate - because it makes serious social commentary about the state of affairs within suburban America.

Show#3 - Grey's Anatomy
Bitch - FUCK this show. They need to shut this shit DOWN. (that is all).

Yea so anyway thats about all the point I have left in me to make. My only question now is
was the sterile environment of the 90s necessary for the hostile liberal takeover that is happening now?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree that A.I.D.S. shouldn't be campaigned throughout the country like some curse that will hit you once you have sex, however, it is pretty serious because there is no cure for it and it CAN kill you. You know this being a science major and especially working in the healthcare field. Oh, and for those of you who don't know what it stands for: acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
As for tv shows using explicit language, go for it! Shit, this isn't the fucking 1950s when married couples in tv shows DIDN'T EVEN SLEEP IN THE SAME MOTHERFUCKIN' BEDS, PEOPLE! Take Nip/Tuck for example, Dr. Christian Troy says PUSSY LIPS, DICK, ETC and it's all conveying what vagina, penis and whatever word you want to use would convey. Let's get over it people, times are a changin' and I'm glad.

Derek Loozander said...

no cure my ass-
if there isn't then his Johnson really is Magic.

Leonard said...

Regardless of whether or not there is a cure, there is still extremely effective medicine out there. The fact is however that it is frequently out of reach to those lower on the income bracket or those without insurance. I agree with you Derrick in that if there was a cure, the only people that would have at it would be people like Magic.

Also...I hate to say it, but there is huge profit in perpetuating the reliance on medicine.

Manage the symptoms, don't cure the cause. That's the motto that comes from managed care and health care based on profit...

Anonymous said...

Well, if there is a cure, only Magic received it. There are medications to prolong a person's life, that doesn't indicate a cure. It just indicates an ability to prolong your life until the disease causes immunity to the current drugs you're on. I'm not saying I'm all about the drug companies raping people to make a buck, because I'm not. Unfortunately, the US healthcare system sucks and those on the "bottom of the totem pole" are the ones that get fucked. What do you think we can do to change that?

Anonymous said...

Ok, perhaps I missed the point of healthcare and extreme costs of AIDS medication. I was simply stating that there is no cure because that's a fact. Yes, you can prolong your life, but eventually the disease claims your life. I don't personally know anyone who has died of AIDS, but there are plenty of people with HIV. Remember, there are different stages.

I totally agree that if there is a cure, only the richest of the rich get it. Magic Johnson is one of them. How long has he had it now? I wouldn't call it a cure, though. He still has the virus, correct? With the medications they provide today, a person can prolong their life by 20 years or so, can't they?

Healthcare in the US is a whole subject that I can't even stand touching on. I really want to move to Canada where at least they care enough about their residents to provide FREE healthcare.

Derek Loozander said...

has anybody noticed that Magic Johnson has completely dropped out of the public eye. If he dies OF AIDS then I will start believing there is no cure....but I suspect he will die from a "car accident" or something in the coming years..
