Round 1:
As a friend I can be terrible about keeping in touch, and it seemed lame as hell that I would drive about five hours to some po' li'l college town in Ohio and not pop by to visit my friend John. Though he was recently back from death's door, John ventured to travel with me to the unknown expanse of Athens, OH. I can confidently state; fuck that town. We were lost for an hour within it's walls alone and were able to catch only four songs of Carina's set, BUT I saw her. I saw her and I heard, giant near tornado perpetually dumping storm which followed us there (and back) be damned! Hands shaking as I morphed into a fourteen year-old (and because I hadn't eaten in ten hours), I snapped some proof:
Round 2:
Grand Rapids, MI. Bane of my existence. Last show I saw there ended in Trent Reznor getting an unidentified object thrown smack at his face, which resulted in the prompt throw down of his keyboard and an abrupt end to "Hurt". Drunken motherfuckers ruin all! I expected trouble at full volume as my mother and I headed out on a considerably shorter trek than John and I had battled through.
Thank tha LORD things went well. Miss Carina played a solo acoustic set at a little record store called Vertigo Records in the early eve. There were four of us there to watch, but my god her voice was like angel wings gently brushing our faces. So many people missed out on true magic.
Round 3:
About two hours after the record store show/ second coming (I always figured everyone would miss that anyway) the main event began. A local band called The Mines opened. Terribly generic as well, in fact the singer had the SAME EXACT haircut as The Cinematics' singer, it was appallingly pathetic to behold. Carina looked extra unique sandwiched between the two most unoriginal bands to emerge since other unoriginal bands previous not even worth mentioning.
As I had predicted, Carina Round bitch smacked the band she was opening for beyond recovery. Well, maybe not for the fans who specifically came to see The Cinematics, but mi madre and I didn't even bother to stick around. John and I caught a few songs of their set in Athens, and despite the fact that we'd driven all that way, it was just BORING after the fire of "The Round". I told my mother that if we stayed for The Cinematics it would just make her angry.
Post show Carina and my mother had a moment. The kind of moment only people with social skills can share with artists. It was adorable to behold. My two favorite women in the world embraced, and all was good in the world. I left pleased and several dollars lighter, but I know exactly who's pocket they went into, and that's a really great feeling.
Look for CARINA ROUND everywhere, all the time.
*about a minute and a half of Stolen Car acoustic version (stupid low battery!)
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