Saturday, November 17, 2007

J Dogg and The Lizzles

*Small's Hamtramck, MI Nov. 14, 2007

At a young age I would sneak downstairs late at night and watch unmentionable things on Cinemax. Late night porn aside, there was plenty of R rated goodness my parents tried so hard to shield me from. The most standout memory from all this sneakery is a film called Strange Days from 1994 starring Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett and Juliette Lewis. I still love that film, but the defining aspect of it for me was Juliette Lewis with long fiery red hair, barely there rocker chick clothing, belting out this song that I thought was so awesome it pained me that I could not listen to it whenever I desired. It wouldn't be until 2000 that I would learn that the two songs in the film Miss Lewis sang were PJ Harvey songs (Rid of Me and Hardly Wait), and shortly thereafter I discovered that the soundtrack to Strange Days had the coveted Hardly Wait cover that I so enjoyed.

*Strange Days 1994 singing Hardly Wait

While Miss Polly Jean is the true innovator, and I would come to worship and adore her, Juliette was the one who infiltrated my brain first, and I kept on eye out for any other vocal endeavors she may embark on. In Natural Born Killers she sang a bit of a tune called Born Bad, which was sampled by a group called The Infidels in a song called Bad Brother. In 2004 Lewis sang on two Prodigy songs- Spitfire and Hot Ride- on their album Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned. Those were easily the best songs on the meager offering. Then FINALLY she got her own band together and left the cruel film world in the dust...for the most part.

Like a Bolt of Lightning...
Juliette and the Licks debut e.p. - released 2005

This is by far the crown jewel of The Licks' releases so far. Bad ass rock n' roll at it's finest. If you're curious, this is the place to start...and maybe end. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's best to by their other songs individually. If you care...

You're Speaking My Language
released 2005

Not a strong LP. It is clear that the group can only make half a strong album, at least in my opinion. It is unfortunate, but things don't seem hopeless, and Juliette is clearly hellbent on a CAREER, so there's plenty of time for growth.

Four on the Floor
released 2006

I am relieved that J Dogg and the Licks are pumping out the tunes, but again, it's only half a good album. I am thrilled that the group is beginning to be taken seriously and appear to have conquered Europe like they made the place.

The live show, that's where it's at. Unfortunately, I was cheated out of two previous opportunities to see Juliette rock the shit. The first, in 2005, they played at the Magic Stick, and I found out about it the DAY after. Tragic. Second, in 2006, for months the Licks are scheduled to play at the Magic Bag (note to out-of-towners, these are both gloriously small indie rock venues/bars in the metro Detroit area) it became increasingly clear that they were double booked, and by the time I learned that the show had been rescheduled for a venue in Ann Arbor (45 min. away) it was too late. My next opportunity was a few months ago when the Licks were opening for Chris Cornell. Love the man, not so much his solo work. Would have gone if not for the obscene ticket prices (ok, 35 + ticketmaster slave fee) could be worse, but more than I can afford). I was torn, but thankfully a headlining tour was announced for the band.

Success! I finally get to witness the greatness that is Juliette and the Licks LIVE. This is hands down her calling in life- LIVE ROCK SHOWS. I felt fifteen again, screaming my head off. It was like seeing Shirley Manson for the first time, except Juliette-FUCKIN OSCAR NOMINATED BAD ASS BITCH DATED JOHNNY DEPP AND BRAD PITT-Lewis was in front of me belting it out like a real rock pro. Her voice was strong and not over powered by the music. Her band was a bunch a hot dudes in jeans w/ no shirts on who are excellent rock musicians. She commanded the stage like nobody's business, and proved to be one of, if not the most generous performer I have ever seen. She exuded so much positive energy that I felt extremely elated, excited afterwards. If nothing else, people, see this woman live. They played songs that I KNOW I do not like, and the energy made them awesome. Rock shows in small venues, good times. Good. Times.

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